Consent Tracking

Consent is permission a constituent provides to your organization to use personal data in a specific way, such as for marketing or communications. With Online Express, you can save opt-in and opt-out information to a constituent's record in Raiser's Edge so it complies with regulations such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

To track consent, add solicit code mappings and consent business rules in Raiser’s Edge, and then enable tracking in Online Express. When you enable tracking, you can use email sign up, event registration, and donation forms to offer opt-in and display a default privacy policy.

Note: If you use an email signup form, then at a minimum, you must add a solicit code mapping and consent business rule for the Email channel. For donation and event registration forms, you must include a mapping and consent business rule for at least one channel.

After constituents opt in to receive communications and you download the sign ups, Raiser’s Edge adds consent information to their records. It also uses the business rules to determine which solicit codes to assign or remove.

Note: To enable consent tracking, you must use Raiser’s Edge 7.96 Patch 8 or higher.