Supported File Types, Embed, iFrame & Script Code

Many file types are supported throughout the system. They can be used for miscellaneous uploads, as content on your school's website, or by students when they submit assignments.

To view the complete list of file types that are supported:

  1. Select Core .

  2. Select Content.

  3. Select Additional content types.

  4. Select Uploads (misc).

  5. Select Add and open the File type drop down list to see all supported file types.

Tip: The file types of .exe, .dmg, .heic, and .msi are not supported. If you need to convert a file to a supported type, consider using Online-Convert.

Platform managers and page managers can embed code into the external video channel and any HTML-enabled field. Group leaders are able to add embed code to their group page.

However, in order to maintain the integrity and safety of our clients' websites, access to enter scripts, embeds and iFrames depends on the role a user is in:

  • Any user with Edit access to announcements, downloads, links, news, and text can enter any code into the HTML regions of these categories. This includes all scripts, embeds, iFrames, and HTML tags, and excludes any tag with "form method=post."

  • A page manager or content manager has this same access, except they can enter all scripts, embeds, iFrames, and HTML tags in all HTML editor-enabled areas, including the External video channel. (see video)

  • Content editors can enter all scripts, embed code, iFrame code and HTML tags in any announcements, downloads, links, news, and text category. However, in any other HTML editor-enabled field, they can enter only embed code.

Note: Tags with "form method=post" (i.e. forms) are accepted but display only on custom-designed pages. This is because Page Builder pages are forms and the form code cannot be added to a form to create a form within a form.

Note: For audio files as a content type, we no longer support .ra and .ram file types.