Login Setup

Admissions managers can customize the following options on the Create an Account/Login page for Enrollment management (/app#login/apply). For additional details about the Enrollment Management login process, please review the "Accessing the Application" document. Each location will have a Yes or No toggle for activation.

  • Admissions managers can disable the option for prospective families to create their own account. This can be done under Enrollment management, Admissions, Admissions setup, Application Forms, Login Setup, and then Allow new applicants to create their own account.

  • Admissions managers can customize the text that appears under “Create an Account." This can be done under Enrollment management, Admissions, Admissions setup, Application Forms, Login Setup, finally Login Apply Text.

  • Admissions managers can customize the text that appears after a prospective family member selects "Create Account." This can be done under Enrollment management, Admissions, Admissions setup, Application Forms, Login Setup, then Create an Account Text.

  • Admissions managers can customize the Forgot Login? option, which appears if a prospective family member tries to create a new account but their email address already exists in the database. This can be done under Enrollment management, Admissions, Admissions setup, Application Forms, Login Setup, and then Create an Account Forgot Login Button.

  • Admissions managers can determine which years appear in the “Candidate Entering Year” field under Enrollment management, Admissions, Admissions setup, Application Forms, Login Setup, and finally Entering Years. Candidate Entering Year is located with Create an Account, from Resource Board, then Apply and on Admissions Progress, followed by Apply Another Child screen. For schools with overlapping school levels for the same grade, Entering Year has headers that break down each by school level.

    Note: To allow more than the current entering year as an application year under Login Setup, enable the desired year and then select Save.

    Tip: To modify Entering Years, you'll need to go to Core. Check out how to do that here.