Back to School Guide for Teachers

Hey Teachers! It's time to jump into a new school year! We made substantial changes to online classrooms last summer and have put together some resources for you. You can also check out this short video to refresh your knowledge!


Your gradebook is a central part of your online classroom. It's where you can keep track of your daily student grades and work, including assignments, discussions, and assessments. To open your gradebook, select your class, then Launch gradebook.

Gradebook Settings

To manage your gradebook settings, launch your gradebook and select Settings. Your settings are unique to each class.

  • Display options: Select what should display by default in your gradebook. See below for more information on the settings available here.

  • Gradebook access: Determine what users with different roles can see in your gradebook.

  • Grade calculation: Set the course's calculation method and assignment types. See Gradebook Calculations for more information.

  • Mastery calculation: Set a Mastery calculation method for Content-area skills.

    Note: Mastery calculation settings are only available if your school is using Competency based education and your administrator allows teachers to define the calculation method for Content-area skills.

Display options

In your Gradebook settings, under Display options, you can customize the look of your gradebook with the following options:

  • Column header information: Control what displays in the assignment and skill column headers.

  • Indicator icons: Select which icons you would like to see in your gradebook.

  • Default displays: Determine how student names and assignments appear in your gradebook. You can even sort your students in a custom order that you manage.

Cumulative grades

From within your gradebook, select Grade columns to choose which cumulative grades display in your gradebook. You can select from Current marking period, Last marking period, and Year cumulative (if a year calculation is set). Once added to your gradebook display, cumulative grade columns can be sorted from high to low, low to high, or be reset to the default sort order.

Bulk actions

You can add grades, comments, and gradebook indicators, such as Late or Exempt, to assignments in bulk. In the gradebook, expand the down arrow for the assignment and select Bulk actions. Select Add bulk evaluation to enter a Grade or mark gradebook indicators. Select Add bulk comment to enter a comment. Select the students you want to apply the bulk action to and select Save.

Note: Any existing Grade, Indicators, or Comments entered for a student display in the student grid. Applying the bulk actions to a student will overwrite the previously entered information.

Evaluate assignments from the gradebook

When viewing the gradebook, you can select the left side of a student's grade field to quickly enter a grade. To get a full view of a student's evaluation for an assignment, select the comment side, or right side, of the grade field to open Evaluate assignment. From here, you can enter a Grade, mark gradebook indicators, enter a Comment, and evaluate skills if an assignment is associated with a rubric.


When evaluating an assignment with a rubric from the gradebook, double-click in the grade field to open a short version of the rubric for evaluating the student. To see the full rubric, select the down arrow for the assignment in the gradebook and select See rubric.

Collected status indicator

The Collected gradebook indicator is an optional indicator you can use to track the assignments that have been collected. From the gradebook, simply select the comment side of the grade field and mark Collected, then Save.

Note: The Collected indicator only appears to teachers.

Assignment details

From the Assignment Center or the Assignments tab on your class page, select an assignment name under Details to access the Assignment details page. From here, you can enter grades, skills, and comments, view Discussions, view student schedules, and more.

At the top of the Assignment details page, you will see a header section that provides relevant information about the assignment. This includes:

  • Assignment type

  • Added to cumulative status

  • Extra credit status

  • Number of skills for Mastery assignments

  • Average grade

  • Max points and factor

  • Assigned, due, and publish dates

Student info

When you select a student on the Assignment details page, you will see a small info icon next to their name. Select it to view the student's email, advisor, and their advisor's email. You can also go to the student's profile and view the student's schedule to see where they currently are on campus.


When viewing Assignment details for an assignment associated with a rubric, a short version of the rubric displays for evaluating each student. You can see the full rubric details by selecting See rubric.


You can view, grade, and respond to discussions from the Assignment details page. When you access Assignment details for a Discussion assignment, you land on the full discussion. Select a student to view their contributions to the discussion. You can hide or delete response as needed.

Bulk actions

You can add grades, comments, and gradebook indicators to assignments in bulk. In the gradebook, expand the down arrow for the assignment and select Bulk actions. Select Add bulk evaluation to enter a Grade or mark gradebook indicators. Select Add bulk comment to enter a comment. Select the students you want to apply the bulk action to and select Save.

Note: Any existing Grade, Indicators, or Comments entered for a student display in the student grid. Applying the bulk actions to a student will overwrite the previously entered information.

Collected status indicator

The Collected gradebook indicator is an optional indicator to track that an assignment has been collected. From Assignment details, select the student, then mark Collected.

Grade change history

As you are evaluating assignments, you can see the grade change history for students. These changes include Total points, Skill ratings, Rubrics, and more. From Assignment details, select the student, then select See change history.

Commit grades

You need to commit grades to your gradebook in order for students and parents to see them. This means you can have uncommitted grades and comments in your gradebook that can be edited without students seeing those changes. There are multiple notifications in both your gradebook and in Assignment details to indicate that you have grades to commit.

Warning: Please be aware that annotations added to an assignment will immediately appear to students and parents even if the assignment grades are uncommitted.


From the gradebook, you will see the total number of grades that are Ready to commit above the roster. You will also see Commit at the top of the Assignment column along with the number of grades that need to be committed for the assignment. Select Commit to commit the grades for that assignment.

Assignment details

In Assignment details, there are two notifications that appear for individual student grades. First, an exclamation point will display next to a student's name in the list. Once you select the student, Ready to commit displays next to their name above their evaluation.

From Assignment details, select Commit evaluations to commit all the grades and comments you have added for all students. Or, select a student and then select Commit evaluation to commit grades for that individual only.

Tip: You can cancel uncommitted grades and comments from the Assignment details page. After you select a student, you can select Cancel next to Commit evaluation to remove the changes you have added for the student.

Add assignments for specific students

You can add assignments for individuals or groups of students in a class. This feature is helpful for assigning makeup or extra credit work for specific students. You can also use it assign group projects. When you are adding or editing an assignment, simply assign it to specific students under Publishing options by:

  • Under Assign to, select the Edit icon next to Full section.

  • Select Selected students.

  • Use the available list to select applicable students.

  • Save when finished and then Save your assignment.

Assignments will only appear to students and parents if they are assigned to the student. Once a student has begun working on an assignment, you can no longer remove them from the assignment. Student grades will not be impacted by assignments that are assigned to other students.

Add group grades for an assignment

If you are using this feature for group assignments, you can use Bulk actions to provide grades and comments to all students in the group at one time.

Copy assignments

You can copy assignments from the Assignment Center or from the Assignments tab in your class. Select the context menu for the assignment and select Make a copy from the available options. This will create a new assignment called Copy of [assignment]. This copy can be renamed and edited as needed.

Note: the Publish status field will default to No on an assignment copy. You will need to update this field in order for the assignment to be available to students.

Student preview of assignments

Student preview allows you to screen share or project an assignment with your classes without showing any personally-identifiable information. Student preview also helps you understand what an assignment will look like for a student. Access the student preview of an assignment from the Assignment Center or Assignments tab in your class by selecting the context menu next to the assignment > See student preview.

I forgot how to...

We know it's been a while and you might need a reminder on how to setup your online classroom. Below you will find a list of the different parts of your online classroom with related help content.


Assignments allow students to submit files and text which you can then view, annotate and evaluate.


Assessments can be used to make online quizzes and exams. You can add true/false, multiple choice, fill in the blank, and essay questions.

Graded discussions

Graded discussions allows your class to hold an open discussion on a subject where students can submit responses and respond to responses added by other students.

Bulletin Boards

Bulletin boards are the first page students will access when they enter the online classroom. Your bulletin board should be a snapshot of your classroom to give students and parents a quick overview of what to expect in the course.


You can create Topics to highlight your different learning units, professional development resources, field trips, and more. Each topic is built separately and you can select what information you would like to include.


Conduct allows you to add infractions for students with bad behavior. Infractions are tied to consequence, such as detentions and verbal warnings.


At the end of your term, you will need to enter in Report card grades for your students. This can be done from Grading in your online classroom.


Student medical information can be added to your system and you are able to view some medical information for the students in your classes.

Competency based education

If your school is using Competency based education, you can add Content-area and Transferable skills to assignments and provide ratings for those skills to show a student's mastery of the skill.