Review Courses

Schedule managers can create customizable lists to review course settings and edit courses as needed. These lists can also be saved for future use.

To get started:

  1. Navigate to Academics.

  2. Choose Scheduling and Courses list.

    Note: The type of list selected will determine the available columns and filter options.

  3. Edit Columns and Filters as needed.

  4. To save a list for future use, select Save.

  5. Select the edit icon to edit the infraction.

  6. Select any of the courses listed to open a flyout panel with specific information such as general information, Assessments, Grading, Schedule, GPAs, and more. To update the information listed, select Edit course and then Save & close to confirm the changes or Cancel to back out.

    Note: Select the browser's back button to return to the list.

  7. Select Export list to export results.