Registrant Fields

Registrant fields are the personal detail fields (such as phone number, address, and email) that you want users to fill in on the form.

  1. Select School website, Events, and then Registration forms & attendees.

  2. Select Edit next to the registration you wish to edit.

  3. Select Registrant Fields located under Edit Registration.

  4. Select the following options for registrant fields:

    • Include: Selecting this option causes this field to appear on registrant forms.

    • Required: Selecting this option makes the field required. Users will have to fill it in before submitting the form.

    • Display As: Change the label that users see for a field. For example, you might change "Preferred Name" to display as "Nickname."

    • Sort Order: Use numeric values to set the order in which fields appear. Fields with lower Sort Order numbers will appear at the top of the page.

  5. Select Save after completing the changes.