Data Entry Rules

From Management, My Organization, select Data Entry Rules to select rules for phone numbers, required persona fields, address preferences, and salutations.

Basic Rules

Field Details
Autoformat US and Canadian Phone Numbers Select this option if you want US and Canadian phone numbers to be auto formatted. For more information, see Phone Auto-format.
Mark new Auto Process Transactions as Final Select this option to automatically mark auto process transactions as final.

Required Persona Rules

Field Details
Persona fields

Select any persona fields you want to make required when users enter data on the Persona screen of accounts. The address fields available are based on your organization's country.

Address Rules

Field Details
Omit [your domestic country] for addresses in [your domestic country] when you use these merge fields To use the same template and reports for domestic and international mail, but remove your country from the address block when you send mail, select this checkbox. This provides a way for you to combine domestic and international mail, but remove your country from the address block for domestic mail. Note: This only applies when you use the Full Address with Country (Multi Line) and Full Address with Country (Single Line) merge fields.
Enable users to reformat addresses on an account's persona page

To allow users to manually reformat an address on an account's Persona page, select this checkbox. Note: You should only enable this option when you use Personal Fundraising, Custom eCommerce, Cart, or API Activity.

To update address in bulk so that they adhere to the standard format for a country, export existing addresses and then map the fields to the new format when you import them back into eTapestry. You may need to manually reformat addresses when fields cannot be mapped on a one-to-one basis.

For information about address formats, refer to Addresses.

Configure Auto-Generated Field Rules based on Name Format

Use these settings to establish the name configurations that eTapestry uses as you create an account. For example, when you select Individual for the Name Format on an account, eTapestry configures name values based on these settings in the Sort Name, Account Name, Short Salutation, Long Salutation, and Envelope Salutation fields as you enter name information in the First Name, Middle Name, and Last name fields. When you select "Family" or "Business," the program configures name values based on these settings in the Sort Name, Short Salutation, Long Salutation, and Envelope Salutation fields as you enter it in the Account Name field. This data entry process helps you enter data faster and provides name consistency.

Tip: When you change formats for account names, be aware there is no change to existing account names. Your changes only apply to account names for new accounts.

Field Details

The default name configuration to use when an Individual account is created appears as a link. To change the default configuration for a field, select the link. The Edit Rules screen appears. Select the configuration you want to use for that field and click Continue to return to the Data Entry Rules page.

The Salutation fields include options for Friends, Blank, and Custom. To address recipients as "Friends," select Friends. To leave salutation fields empty, select Blank. When you do this, eTapestry does not populate the field with name values and you can enter any salutation in the field. To use another general term (for example, one that is similar to Friends) as a salutation, select Custom and enter your custom salutation to use for all Individual accounts.

Note: When you select Blank for an Individual salutation, your selection only applies to manual data entry. When an account is created from an online form with Blank selected, salutations generate based on eTapestry's auto-generated formats.

Family or Business

The default name configuration to use when a Family or Business account is created appears as a link. To change the default configuration for a field, select the link. The Edit Rules screen appears. Select the configuration you want to use for that field and click Continue to return to the Data Entry Rules page.

For each field, you can select to use Account Name, Friends, Blank, or Custom. To duplicate the name from the Account Name field into the field, select Account Name. To address recipients as "Friends," select Friends. To leave salutation fields empty, select Blank. When you do this, eTapestry does not populate the field with name values and you can enter any salutation in the field. To use another general term (for example, one that is similar to Friends) as a salutation, select Custom and enter your custom salutation.

Note: When you select Blank for a Family or Business salutation, your selection only applies to manual data entry. When an account is created from an online form with Blank selected, salutations generate based on eTapestry's auto-generated formats.