View donation data

To choose the information to view about donations, select Columns, choose which details to include, and select Apply changes.

Tip: To quickly include all available columns, select Select all when you choose which details to view.

Tip: To narrow the number of donation records found when searching, display the minimum number of columns necessary. Search only considers selected columns; the more columns available, the greater the number of results.

After you choose the columns, you can arrange the columns and search results as necessary.

  • To change the order of the columns, move the headers to the desired left-to-right order.

  • To adjust the width of a column, drag the boundary on the right side of the column heading until the column is the width that you want.

  • To arrange the search results in ascending or descending order, such as by date, or amount, select the header of the column to sort by.

For more information about the data in each column, see Data types.