
With reminders, you can schedule automated email reminders, send reminders to multiple recipients, and keep a record of sent reminders.

Note: When an automated email Reminder successfully sends, it will not automatically resend even if it is rescheduled. You will need to create a new Reminder.

There are multiple reasons to set Reminders:

  • Schedule automated Reminders: You can schedule a Reminder to be sent for any Activity or Requirement that does not have a Done date or Received date. For example, you can set up a reminder on Progress Reports to be sent one week prior to the Due date and emails will automatically be sent out to the recipient(s) you select.

  • Send Reminders to multiple recipients: You can select an unlimited number of recipients for your Reminders, specifying To, Cc, or Bcc for each. In addition to grantee contacts and staff, you can manually enter additional email addresses. You also have the ability to exclude staff contacts on an individual level.

  • Keep a record of sent Reminders: You can create an Activity for each Reminder you send. Activity notes include the recipient names, addresses, and the body text, providing a full record of all correspondence.

From Control panel,select Reminders.