Transaction type mapping

The Transaction Type field in the Gift file is used to classify gifts, so that we can better rank and prioritize prospects. After you import a new Gift file, if we discover new transaction types in the gift file that have not been mapped, we will notify you through email and ask you to map the new transaction types.

Transaction type mapped values

We ask that you map each of your transaction types to one of the following:

  • Outright Gift: Gifts that were made without a separate commitment. Recurring donations should also be mapped as outright gifts.

  • Pledge: A record of a commitment or "promise" to give. Pledge records should also have separate Pledge Payment records when the payment for the commitment is received.

  • Pledge Payment: A payment for a previously recorded pledge. Pledge Payment records should also have a separate Pledge record for when the original commitment was made.

  • (Do Not Map): This mapping can be used for test or irrelevant records that should be ignored by Guided Fundraising.