Email settings

The Email Settings section allows you to change how emails will be sent and how replies will be handled within Blackbaud Guided Fundraising. To access Email Settings, navigate to Admin > Email Settings

Note: You need to be an Administrator in Blackbaud Guided Fundraising to access the Email Settings page.

Change how emails are sent

All of the emails sent by your agents from Guided Fundraising are sent from a single email address for your institution. You can customize the name and address of what appears in your constituents' email inboxes using the following settings:

  • Sender Name: Emails sent from Blackbaud Guided Fundraising will have the sender name provided here. This is the name constituents will see on the emails in their inbox.

  • Append Agent Name: When this setting is turned on, the agent's first name will be appended to the sender name. For example, if the sender name is Western University and the agent's name is John emails from John will appear as "John from Western University." If there is another agent at Western University named Sally, emails from Sally will appear as "Sally from Western University."

  • Sender Email Address: Emails sent from Blackbaud Guided Fundraising will be sent from the email address provided here. This is the email address constituents will see on the emails in their inbox. If you want to customize the domain portion of the email address, visit the Custom Domain admin section.

Change how replies are handled

When your constituents reply to emails in Guided Fundraising, all of the replies are forwarded to a central email address. This should be an email address where you are able to monitor replies. You can change the Forward Email Address at any time in the Email Settings page.

  • Forward Email Address: When constituents reply to emails sent from Blackbaud Guided Fundraising, the replies will be forwarded to this email address.