Caller ID

Note: You need to be an Administrator in Blackbaud Guided Fundraising to access the Caller ID settings page.

You can update the Caller ID number that constituents see on phone calls placed from Guided Fundraising. The phone number will be the same for every agent that places calls from Guided Fundraising.

We recommend you select an SMS number for your caller ID that you added on the Numbers tab, especially if you want to use trusted falling features, such as Shaken/Stir or CNAM. Those features require an SMS number to be used. Then, enter a Callback Number that prospects can use if they want to call you back after a text or missed call.

Tip: To use trusted calling features like Shaken/Stir or CNAM, you must add an SMS number on the Numbers tab. Only SMS numbers added from Guided Fundraising are eligible. You can and should use your organization-owned phone number as a callback number, so that when prospects call the texting number it will ring through.

If trusted calling is not important to you and you select a non-SMS number or a SMS number owned by your University for your caller ID, you don't need to enter a Callback Number.

To update your name as part of the caller ID, see the Business Profile documentation.