Send Page to Friend Usage Report

Use the Send Page to Friend Usage report to list pages on your site that site visitors are sending to friends by means of the Send Page to Friend feature, and to view usage statistics for each page.

The report includes data for the last 30 days, based on the date range you select. Older data is purged, including notifications and log entries. Pages that have zero sends during a selected date range do not display in the report.


You can filter report records by date, and download a report as CSV. The report includes both live and expired pages. The report does not include information such as individual senders or email recipients.

A single recipient is counted uniquely for multiple sends. Suppose Robin sends a website page called Protect Employee Rights to her friend Tom this week, and Vijay sends the same page to Tom next week. Tom opens both emails, and clicks through each time from the hyperlink to the target page. A Send Page to Friend Usage report covering that time period will count two sends, two opens, and two clicks for the Protect Employee Rights page.