Phone Health

To help gauge incomplete phone number information, Raiser's Edge NXT automatically scans your database to find constituent records with no telephone numbers. In Tools, Data health, under Scorecard, you can view the Phone health score for the general completeness of your constituents' phone numbers. The more complete your phone numbers, the better score they receive.

Tip: For additional details, such as how many constituent records lack phone numbers and how you compare to other organizations, select your Phone health score.

To help improve your Phone health score:

  • Develop strategies your organization can use to collect phone numbers from constituents when you communicate with them.

  • At least annually, run your database through Phone Finder to find phone numbers for records that don't have one. When you run PhoneFinder, it compares your database against national consumer databases to match constituents to telephone numbers.

    Note: In the database view, you can run Phone Finder from Data Health Center. For more information, see the Data Health Center Guide.