
Throughout Raiser's Edge NXT, you can manage lists of records, such as to analyse performance or act on multiple records at once. As you work with a list, you can fine-tune its criteria to view only specific records and information.

Tip: To view only records that share specific characteristics, select Filters and choose the criteria of the items to include. For more information, see List Filters.

Note: If you have several lists open, then the list tabs will collapse in a menu. Select the menu to choose a list to view.

Tip: To locate constituents on a map, select Map from a constituent list. Powered by Microsoft Bing, the map displays the locations of constituents — as pins — based on their primary addresses. For more information, see Constituent Map.

Note: Admins! To enable people at your organisation to create their own lists, you must first choose which security groups should access Lists. For information, see List Rights.

Tip: To learn more, search for Lists classes in BlackbaudU.