Membership Benefits

To help incentivise constituents to become loyal members, your organisation may offer exclusive benefits — such as reduced admission, t-shirts, or other merchandise — to thank them for their membership, based on the category or dues paid. You can view the benefits a member receives on their constituent record or the gift record of their membership dues payment.

  • On the constituent record, you can view how many benefits the member receives under Membership. For details about the incentives, select View benefits.

  • On the gift record, you can view details about these incentives under Benefits. For each benefit, you can view how many the member receives, what it’s worth to both you and the member, and when you sent or fulfilled it.

Since these benefits are often why constituents become members at your organisation, we recommend you identify and offer items that members want and appreciate enough to keep them engaged. To help grow and retain your memberships, discuss the benefits with your members and potential members to determine which provide the most value.

Note: In the database view, you can add and manage default membership benefits for each membership category from Membership Categories under Configuration.