Soft Credits

With soft credits, you can recognise multiple constituents for a gift. For example, in addition to the donor, you may want to credit a constituent for the giving of their spouse or foundation. This recognition helps track how much a constituent gives indirectly as they influence another constituent's gifts.

  • In a list of gifts, include the Soft credit column to view who gets soft credit for a gift and how much credit they receive.

    Tip: In a list of gifts, include the Donor column to view who gave a gift the constituent receives soft credit for.

  • On a constituent's record, you can view how much soft credit they've received under Giving.

  • On a gift record, you can view who gets soft credit for its contribution — and for how much — under Soft credits.

Note: In the database view, you can manage this recognition on the Soft Credit tab of the gift record. On a constituent's record in the database view, you can also choose whether to automatically credit them for gifts from their spouse or organisation relationships.