Participant Options

To help track custom information about participants, such as t-shirt sizes, meal preferences, and seating requests, you can add fields — known as participant options — to collect details that are specific to each event. Participant options provide flexibility because you can gather different information for the same option in various events. For example, create meal preference fields with different food choices in each dinner event you host.

Note: Participant options are like custom fields, but they’re not the same. With custom fields, you use the same field and the same options for different events. With participant options, you add new fields and values for each event. In a future release, you’ll be able to copy an event and reuse options that are the same for the new event. For more information, see Custom Fields.

From an event's record, under Participant options, add and manage the fields and their values. For each option, you can also view how many participants responded to each value. To view who selected a value, such as to distribute t-shirts, select the number of responses under the option’s name.

After you set the options, add them to the online registration form and then manage responses from participant records.

Note: Participant options are only available in web view.