Hosts and Guests

Hosts are participants who bring other people to events, and guests are the people they bring. Depending on how much information you track, you can add guests as constituents, named guests, or unknown guests. You can also add a participant's spouse as a guest.

Note: On a registration form, the host is the person who completes or pays for the registration. Hosts can register themselves for events, or only register other people, such as parents registering their children for events.

  • Constituent— If you track details about a guest such as their contact information or affiliations with your organization, save them as a constituent.

  • Named guest — If you only track basic information such as the guest’s name, gender, or date of birth, save them as a named guest.

  • Unknown guest — If you only know the participant has a guest, but don’t have other contact information, indicate the guest is unknown.

  • Spouse — If the guest is marked as the spouse on the participant's constituent record, select the spouse's name.

Note: To access the record for a guest, select their name from the participant's record under Party information. For additional information, such as biographical details, select their name at the top of the record.

Note: Named and unknown guests don't create constituent records in your database.