JustGiving Settings Overrides

Note: This feature is currently generally available to customers in the United States.

In Settings overrides, you can set granular field mapping for new gifts from JustGiving. For each JustGiving campaign and event, you can set a fund, appeal, and campaign. When a JustGiving gift comes from one of these specific campaigns or events, it will be applied to these fields rather than what you've previously selected for Default Settings for the JustGiving Integration.

Note: If you don't set any overrides for specific campaigns, all new gifts from JustGiving will be applied to the fund, appeal, and campaign you entered for Default Settings for the JustGiving Integration.

Note: In JustGiving, donors can set up peer fundraising pages for either a campaign or an event, which is why you can set mapping for new gifts for both JustGiving campaigns and events.