Blackbaud ID Authentication for Education Management

Blackbaud ID enables each user at your school to access your Blackbaud products and services — such as Education Management , Raiser's Edge NXT, Tuition Management, the Higher Ed user community, and more — with a single email address and password.

If your school uses a single sign on (SSO) with your identity provider, a platform manager who is also an organization admin can enable the SSO for Blackbaud ID . Then any platform manager can set up authentication for users.

Tip: Some authentication settings are not accessible while impersonating. To set up authentication for your school, log in as the platform manager who has organization admin rights instead of impersonating one.

All users must sign with Blackbaud ID. Their username an email address.

From Core, select Security and then Blackbaud ID authentication. Users will appear in the list that corresponds to their authentication status for Blackbaud ID.

  • Use the lists to select a subset of users to manage in bulk. From each list, use the Search, sort options, and Filters to limit the results to the users you want to update. For example, you can filter to show registered users with student role, search for specific grad year, and sort by SSO email address. See Manage Authentication in Bulk.

  • Alternatively, select a single user's name to go to the Access tab of the user's profile to manage the individual's authentication settings. You can also use the People finder in Core to go to the Access tab of the user's profile to manage the individual's authentication settings. See Manage Authentication for a Single User.

Tip: Remember that the email address used forBlackbaud ID must be unique. It can’t be used by other users. Typically, the primary email address from a user's contact card will become the user's Blackbaud ID username. However, you can use a different email address for authentication when desired.

Tip: List managers can also view Login information related to Blackbaud ID in User lists and can filter the lists based on authentication status.

Tip: To interact with your peers at other schools and follow blog posts aboutBlackbaud ID, visit the Blackbaud User Community online.