Giving History

Under Giving history on a constituent’s record, you can view a list of their gifts and soft credits to your organisation and add new gifts.

  • For more details about a specific gift, select its amount to open its record. For more information, see Gift Records.

  • For a full list of the constituent's gifts, select Work with gifts. From the full list, you can manage the gift information as necessary, such as to filter and analyse by campaign or amount. For information, see Gifts.

    Tip: Only matching gifts paid by the constituent appear under Giving history. To view matching gifts based on their giving but paid by another constituent, select Work with gifts and apply a Gift type filter to include matching gift pledges and payments.

An alert appears when the constituent has gifts in an unapproved batch in the web view. To view the batch number associated with an unapproved gift, select its alert in the list. Under Gift management, you can search for the batch, manage its gifts and any exceptions, and approve the batch to create records for its gifts. For more information, see Gift Management.

Tip: For information about how to add a gift under Giving history, see Gifts.