
The primary goal of your fundraising efforts is the money you raise toward your mission. As you develop successful relationships and solicitations, you should receive many charitable gifts. To help determine the effectiveness of your solicitation process and donor engagement, you can analyse constituent giving from Work Centre or a constituent's record. To open the record of a specific gift, select its amount in a list or on a record. For more information, see Gift Records.

Tip: For a quick summary of a constituent's gifts, view the details under Giving on their record. For deeper analysis, select Work with gifts under Giving history on their record for a full list of their gifts. For more information, see Constituent Giving or Giving History.

Tip: With Prospect Research Management, you can set goals for how much you want to raise and create plans — or opportunities — to guide your efforts. For more information, see Opportunities.

Note: To help protect donor information, gifts and totals include only giving you should view based on the funds they apply to or the constituent codes of their donors. For more information about security by fund or constituent code, see Record Security.