
With membership programmes, you can encourage donor loyalty and reward your constituents' continued support with exclusive, personalised benefits. Constituents who join as members usually feel more involved with your organisation than other donors, even if their only real involvement is routine giving. Memberships also enable occasional donors to become regular givers through annual renewals.

With the optional Membership Management module, in database view, you can set up membership programmes, including their categories or levels and the fees and benefits associated with each. On a constituent's record you can see details about their activity as a member under Membership, add a membership, and view complete details about a specific membership by selecting the membership itself.

Tip: By default, both current and past memberships for a constituent appear under Membership on a constituent's record. To focus on active memberships, select Only show active memberships.

Note: You can manage memberships in the database view from Memberships under Records.

Tip: Use database view for other Membership Management related tasks, such as printing membership cards and querying for active memberships.